The Felix Meier GmbH ceased operating as of June 30, 2017 and has been dissolved.
The Felix Meier GmbH company - a one man show - offers various services:
- Software in C and Assembler for embedded systems
- Software for Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
- Hardware development for embedded systems
- PC – Software in C/C++
- iPhone Apps
- Matlab® Applications
- Project studies, project management and project assessments
- Preparation of specifications for development projects and tenders
- Translations D – E – D for electrical engineering / electronics
From 1987 to 1997, I worked as an independent consultant. In 1997,
the legal entity was changed to a GmbH (LLC).
In the course of the years, a wide variety of projects has been completed:
Soft- and hardware development for
- Cordless telephones
- Digital answering machine
- Large size LCD panel control systems
- Sorting system for empty bottles
- Valve control for sanitary applications
- "Barryvox" avalanche transceivers (several models)
- Simulation of EM-Fields by means of FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) Algorithm
- Real time operating system and drivers (SEOS)
- Flash memory boot loader
- Flash memory file system
- Alerting system (SMS, Pager)
- Authentication algorithms and systems
- Acoustical and optical peripherals
- Teletext receiver
- DECT MAC layer
- Test systems for production and customer support
- Digital audio signal switching (Routing)
- Battery management / charge controllers
- Programmable logic devices for various applications
- USB driver
- High precision reference oscillator using PLL
- ISM band remote control systems
- Camera position tracking via radio
DSP – Algorithms
- Simulations on PC using fixed an floating point arithmetic
- Transfer to target (ARM TDM7, Cortex-M3/M4 cores)
- FFT, frequency synthesis, filters, mixers
- Algorithm optimizations in assembler (TMS320)
Support Software on PCs (C, MS Visual C++)
- Communication with peripheral devices
- Enhancements and extensions to software development tools
- Digital FIR filter design
- Simulation of short range radio systems
Smartphone Apps
- Control unit for avalanche transceiver
- RPN calculator for software engineers
Teaching continuing education courses for engineers
- Operating systems for embedded systems
- Producing efficient and reliable software
Participation in standards comittees (ZVEI, ETSI)
Presentations for international audiences
Place of work:
depending on project, in Eglisau or on customer's premises
PCs, emulators and instrumentation.
For building prototypes and producing small series, there is a close cooperation with the Girsberger Elektronik AG company in CH - 8416 Flaach.
For building prototypes and producing small series, there is a close cooperation with the Girsberger Elektronik AG company in CH - 8416 Flaach.
References for individual projects can be provided upon request.